Minggu, 27 November 2011

Cheer UP with UP

 Everyone, please say hi to my lovely shoes!!! Its Stella dark blue by UP. Yaaaayy :)
My boyfie bought it for me. And I looooove it pretty much.
Thank you dear ;)

Stella feat Converse

UP is the local brand of The Most Famous Blogger, Diana Rikasari.
Aaaahh, I really in love with Stella, so comfy and cutie.
Go visit their website and shop!

Senin, 07 November 2011

Both are Cute

Gosh, I'm craving for this shoes
And this shoes!
What do you think 'bout the shoes? Both are cute, huh? So, which one do you like most?

The shoes are made by Adorable Project Indonesia.
They sell shoes, accessories, bags, and clothing.
I've bought custom shoes by Adorable, and its pretty.
Now, I  directly in love with both of 'em. 
I must start to save money to buy it. hehehe :p
You can see their collection here

*excuse for my bad English*
Salam :)

Minggu, 06 November 2011

Dia . . .

I call him "Koko"

Yup, it's me in boyish look. What do you think?

I already told you about my boyfie's passion in photography, right?
Now, I wanna share some picture taken by him:

You can see more photo on his tumblr here
See you next post. Salam :)

Hari Raya Kurban

Selamat Idul Adha 1432 H.
Let's get closer to Allah with qurban.

Selamat makan sate!!
Salam :)

Sabtu, 05 November 2011

About Beauty

Beauty isn't about having a pretty face. It's about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart, and a pretty soul. (DamnItsTrue)

Kamis, 03 November 2011

The Most Romantic Place in The World

My boyfie gave me this film. and I love it pretty much.
Honestly, I dont really care 'bout the story. I just focus to the pictures. hehehe
This film show us Paris's view clearly. And I'm amzaed by the city. How beautiful Eiffel, Seine River, Arc de Triomphe, Champ Elysees.
Oh God, I just can say: Whatta romantic place! 
I believe, someday I'll be there with my future-husband asap. Wish me luck guys!

An Exotic Seine River

Look at to the Tower! Its look sooo great.

Selasa, 01 November 2011

Be an Entrepreneur

They say, if you wanna change the world, go into politics. I say, be an entrepreneur! (Diana Rikasari)

I really agree with her. Ya, she 100% right.
Jadi pengusaha itu enak, kita bisa punya banyak waktu luang. Bisa liburan kapan aja, gak harus weekend atau tanggal merah. Kalo PNS kan bolos kerja bisa kena sanksi. Jadi pengusaha juga gak terikat peraturan seperti kerja kantoran. Gak ada tuh ceritanya dimarahin bos atau dikejar target.

Bahkan Nabi Muhammad SAW pun seorang pengusaha. Beliau sudah jadi pengusaha sukses sejak usia muda lho. Dalam ajaran Islam pun sebenernya kita dianjurkan untuk berwirausaha. Ada satu hadist yang mengatakan 9 dari 10 pintu rezeki itu ada pada berdagang. Artinya, BE AN ENTREPRENEUR!!!

Orang bilang kalo mau mulai usaha, mulailah dari hobi atau minat kita. Misalnya suka design baju, jadilah pengusaha fashion. Kalo kamu sepatu maniak, bisa coba design sepatu sendiri, atau buka toko sepatu. Suka otomotif, ya carilah usaha seputar dunia otomotif. Kalo kita punya usaha di bidang yang kita suka, kita akan ngejalaninnya dengan enjoy.

Ya memang sih, namanya usaha gak selalu untung, dan pendapatannya pun gak pasti. Bisa jadi bulan ini kita dapat income 100juta, tapi bulan depannya nol. Karena itulah, jadi pengusaha itu harus bisa nabung. Coba bandingin kalo kerja kantoran, kalo gajinya 3jt ya tetep tiap bulan dapetnya segitu.

Well, gue sendiri saat ini sudah mulai merintis usaha bareng temen. Cuma usaha kecil-kecilan di bidang fashion. Sebenernya ini sih bisa dibilang penyaluran hobi belanja aja. Heheheh. Tapi, seriously, enjoy kok ngejalaninnya.

Ohya, setelah lulus nanti, gue tetep masih pengen jadi jurnalis. Tapi nanti setelah berkeluarga mau bisnis aja. Mudah-mudahan suatu saat bisa punya clothing line sendiri. Aamiin. Doain aja ya teman-teman. hehehe

See you next post
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